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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Rescuer 'xxd' command in Linux

"xxd" - a Rescuer , you guys are thinking why I am saying it a Rescuer so this is why so -

In our day to day work in Datastage/Linux, sometimes we have to deal with "Non Printable Character" ( bad characters ;). To confirm these we have many commands but for me this one is more reliable as this is displaying Hexadecimal value for each char from input file.

Every 2 no is representing 1 char from a file, here I have represent a char "a" which hexadecimal value is "61".

So if there is any Ctrl character or non printable character or bad character we can identify those by their Hexadecimal value.

There is one more command which used to display Non Printable Char -

cat -e filename

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