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Monday, April 14, 2014

DataStage Scenario - Design3 - job1

DataStage Scenario Problem -->  DataStage Scenario - Problem3

Solution Design :

a) Job Design :

Below is the design which can achieve the output as we needed. Here, we are reading seq file as a input, then data is passing through a Sort and Transformer stage to achieve the output.


b) Sort Stage Properties
in Sort stage, we will sort the data based on column “Sq” in descending order.


c) Transformer Stage Properties
Here, we took 2 stage variable : StageVar, StageVar1
and their derivations are -
    StageVar1 = StageVar
    DSLink6.No = StageVar1


d) Output File
Before capturing the data into Sequential file. We will sort the data again in ascending order to get the output as we needed.

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