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Monday, June 03, 2013

Failure to connect to DataStage services tier: invalid host name

When you attempt to start one of the Datastage clients, the following message is displayed:

Failed to authenticate the current user against the selected
Domain: Server [servername] not found.

Checks & Solution :
You might be specifying an incorrect name for the computer that is hosting the services tier.
You can check whether the application server is running by attempting to connect to the application server using an Internet browser.

To connect to the application server using an Internet browser:
     1. Start your Internet browser.
    2. Type the application server address in the form: http//isserver:portnumber, where isserver is the    name of the computer where the services tier is installed or its tcp/ip address, and portnumber is the port for connecting to the services tier (by default, 9080).
   3. If the application server has started, the login screen is displayed; otherwise an error message is displayed.

You can test whether you specified the correct name for the isserver by attempting to ping the computer that is hosting the services tier.

You can try to fix the problem by specifying a fully qualified path name for the computer that is hosting the application server. For example, instead of isserver:9080, you might have to type isserver.mycompany.com:9080.

If the application server is not running, attempt to start the service.
 To start the application server where the services tier is installed on a Microsoft Windows computer, click Start > All Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server v6 > Profiles > default > Start the server

To start the application server where the services tier is installed on a UNIX or Linux computer, you must have root authority. To start the application server, do the following steps:

    From a terminal window, change to the WASInstDir/ASBServer/bin/ directory. WASInstDir is the installation directory for the application server. The default installation directory is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/.
Run the following command:
    ./MetadataServer.sh start