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Monday, September 10, 2012

Stopping and starting the DataStage server engine

Restart the IBM InfoSphere Information Server engine whenever you complete certain tasks such as editing the dsenv file on Linux or UNIX or modifying the uvconfig file.
  • Unix :
1.    Log in to the engine tier computer as the IBM InfoSphere DataStage® administrator (typically dsadm).
2.    Change to the engine directory and set the environment.
3.  cd $DSHOME
. ./dsenv

$DSHOME is the name of the engine directory. The default directory is
4.    Stop the engine.

./bin/uv –admin -stop

The command displays a message when the engine stops.
5.    Restart the engine.

./bin/uv –admin -start
  • Windows

1.    In the Windows control panel, open the DataStage Control Panel.
2.    Click Stop all services. Wait until the services have stopped.
3.    Click Start all services.

njoy the simplicity.......
Atul Singh

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